I'm not talking about March Madness as in the March Madness that most are all the buzz about these days but our own March Madness has completely gone underway here. But I'm getting ahead of myself!
As promised here are the pictures from the days leading up to M, M, and Bubby's departure. I wanted to get a picture of my monkey and Beeto. They have been each other's best friend and enemy the last 7 months and have missed the pieces out of the other! After several...and by several, I mean like 20 pictures...not a SINGLE one with them
both looking in the same direction! =) Oh well! I guess that's what you get with a couple 2 year olds! They're pretty cute in spite of their inability to look at the camera for longer than 1.3 seconds!
Aunt Hottie enforcing a play day outside...within seconds of the shutter snapping their poor little noses were about the color of Rudolf!
Reading Lord of the Rings with Aunt Madalee! He sat very intently listening for several minutes!
This was our new found fishy face! While his mommy and daddy were shopping for his new house he came up with his fishy face and it stuck! =)
On the long drive to TN we watched Po a grand total of 3.5 times! It never ceases to amaze me that he can watch this movie literally one time after the next, back to back, and still be in LOVE with it! =)
No, he's not rotten. The sun was in his eyes and he couldn't see the DVD player. Ok, maybe a little rotten!
Playing at dinner our first night in TN. This is what 10+ hours in a car does to a 2 year old folks! Be warned!
Oh, if only I could have captured the giggles that went along with these pictures! He was such a good boy on the way down there and by this point was so hyper and full of energy that sitting through dinner was next to impossible!
Leaving the hotel and on the way to the new house! I was trying to teach him to say "Ni Hao new House." Every time, without fail, he would say, "Ni Hao Newse."
My ipod quickly became a source of entertainment as well...so much for me enjoying it!
Trying to keep him awake on the way home one day so as not to throw off his schedule!
Last picture in TN and last picture with my Beeto and last picture with that camera...but, that's a story for another day!
This was a video I capture of the guy when we were hanging out in the empty house one day. There is an extra on the DVD, Kung Fu Fighting music video. He loved to watch the, "Kazy Kids." While we were hanging one day he decided he was a "Kazy Kid!" If you don't know what I referring to the music video is posted below! Make sure you scroll down and turn the music off for both!
Now onto the February frenzies! Both my sister Bean and my birthdays are in February. I didn't get pictures of either as I was in TN for Bean's and you just don't take pictures of your own birthday! While I was in TN my mom (love her!) planned a get together with some of my closest friends! We had about 20 people over to the house for lunch and games. It was super fun and it made 21 a lot better!
As I mentioned
here I did come home to a totaled car. Not really something I planned on for March but God had other plans! I didn't have a plan to "get" another car so soon but set my mommy to searching ANYTHING and she will have results before you can inhale. Again, love her! Within hours of mentioning it to a family friend his brother was there looking, testing, and photographing, my potential mode of transportation. The next day after a lot of back and forth my dad and I picked up and headed to look at it ourselves!
So, the last day of February held a little more excitement and a lot more money than originally planned but God brought along and AMAZING deal!
I am so thankful to say that I again paid cash! I am convinced that is the way to go and I will do everything in my power to make sure that is ALL I do from now on! I am now living on little but I have a dependable car!
This exciting week didn't end there. There has been some waves of sickness crashing in on us lately. Nothing huge but enough to knock us down a little. Tuesday night it hit me. After working a full day I crashed that night with a slight stomach ache. At approximately 2:21 a.m. a SEVERE pain gripped my stomach so that I couldn't even stand! I like to think I have somewhat of a high pain tolerance but I have never experienced pain like that before! I suppose the beds at the ER looked a lot more comfortable than my own. After waking most everyone in the house my parents dressed, loaded me up in the car and took off for the ER. The hours following were the longest, most boring, and yet craziest ever. An IV, an ultrasound, blood work, and an exam later the only diagnosis they came up with was a stomach virus. The doc told me I had, "The Make You Want to Die Virus." Yep, that pretty much summed it up!
I was sent home and told to rest and drink lots. By that evening I was feeling worlds better. It hasn't been the quickest thing to bounce back from but I am on my way.
It's been a crazy couple of days and obviously I love to right 4 digit (to the left of the point) checks! Trusting God for the funds needed to cover this morning in our local ER. He is good and hasn't taken me through anything that wasn't necessary for growth and a closeness with Him but I am, to be honest, ready for a boring week.
So, there is why things have been so quiet on here. Posts of substance should resume soon. As for now, my lack of sleep and the fact that there was no way to squeeze in a nap the last 2 days bed is calling!
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