
first taste of jewelry making

 I did get a lot of stuff done this summer! Just nothing to show for it yet. YET! 

This is one of my latest projects! Needle nose pliers were my BFF for like life...at least the life of this project!

Hope to inspire you! 

Because of my part time - no work this summer I was on a budget...big time! 

These are my supplies! 

I nabbed this key charm from Hobby Lobby. All jewelry was 50% off that day so I walked out the door with this beauty for $1. Oh yea!

 While in Walmart a day or two later this package of chain was hanging on the clearance rack for $2. Originally $3, it wasn't a HUGE discount but I was thrilled to buy it with a clearance sticker anyway!

 Of course a pack of jump rings is valuable so for $1.50 it wasn't a huge break in the bank but drove me CRAZY to have to purchase it full price. Yes, I am that kind of person! I justified it by knowing I would use all 500 pieces like in 450 different projects!

The last piece was an antique that has been floating around my family for years. There are some discrepancies on it's origins!

 I measured the chain around my neck and snipped what I wanted away! Then I connected the two ends with a jump ring!
 Then I jump ringed the first charm on. I wanted my charms stationary so I chained them to the connector.
 Because of the age of the charm I wanted to be SURE that it wasn't going anywhere. Some of the prongs holding the glass part in were loose so I grabbed some super glue and tacked them down well.
 Then I attached the key the same way as the charm.
Love the result for $4.50 + tax. Yeah baby!


  1. LOVE that idea! And can you please tell me how to take selfies? I need a lesson!

  2. Haha! I realized I could have looked happier! oh well!
