
weighty plans

I announced a while back that  I was planning to participate in a 101 in 1001. I am super excited about this possibility and can't wait to attack it with a vengeance! I just love a good list and accomplishing things from it. It should be a good time to start too. Just after the move and before the year explodes with schooling, work, classes(?), etc. Hoping, really hoping this will be just the thing to kick start some accomplishment!

One of the items on the list is to meet a weight goal.

Now before the tirade starts that I shouldn't meet weight goals or reach for a particular weight, I have my reasons.

#1 - I need, must loose a certain amount of weight to be healthy. Have to.
#2 - This is a goal of mine and not an unrealistic version of beauty.
#3 - It is not an unhealthy amount of weight and once I reach it I don't plan on going the extra pound of two. I will work on being healthy.

I know with my huskier genes I won't ever be a skinny minnie. Fine by me. I (and let meek seekers gasp) like my curves. There is something feminine and fun about being shaped different than a man and finding dresses, skirts, and fun tops that flatter those curves. So yea...

However, it isn't exactly a secret that I could stand to loose get rid of forever a few LBS. More than a few and for more than a long while.

I was fairly active in middle and high school but was never "healthy" by any means. Since I graduated 6 years ago my health has continued to decline. I deal with stomach issues constantly, horrible skin, and the excess weight I carry around is a constant reminder of how much my body has been on the back burner...strike that...it hasn't even been on the stove this year...or the past half a decade for that matter.

I don't buy into the worldly needs for weight loss but I have to admit that with the stresses and emotional pains this past year has brought I am looking forward to doing this. I need this to take hold of something. I look forward to it to be quite honest. I am working on a plan but this time I am not waiting for it to be perfected. I plan on starting soon. Just starting something, anything.

What's different this time?
I know the question begs to be asked. I admit it. I have failed at this time and time again. About two years ago I drug my family through the clean eating idea. We really stuck to it for a while. Then life. Same thing has the potential for happening. I am not blind to that.

But, let me tell you what is different.

#1 - I have a plan. The plan is to stick with it. Proverbs says that where there is no plans the people fail. I know my plan is wide open but I am not tying myself to ANYTHING because I know my nature is to flake when I feel stuck. I am much more apt to reach for that processed white roll when it gets tough if I feel like I can't. My plan is to remain flexible, minimize proportions, and fill up on things that will help and not hinder my plan for health. Most importantly I want to get back into running. I miss it.

#2 - Apps and YouTube. Let me tell you about the beauty of these two modern conveniences. Oh my. I just love them. I have found so much to help me out. I will post more later on my specifics.

#3 - Education. Learning. Expanding knowledge. I am talking to several women in my life that have an expanse of knowledge when it comes to this. I am not about to go crazy on my own. Picking their nutrition minded brains about things like protein powders, healthy fats, good sources of protein, fiber, etc.

#4 Get moving. I will start moving. I don't care when, where, or what but I plan on moving. I have several work outs to try, I have a jogging stroller for me and the boogs, fitness challenges, etc. I. need. to. move.

I am hoping to use this as accountability and really stick to it. I am not going to lie. I am tempted not to post this because then I won't have to follow up. I know that once I have this out there that is it. I am ready. I am excited. Really.

I am going to be posting weekly or bi-weekly about my progress. I haven't decided on how often. I want to keep the attention on my mind but at the same time I don't want to get discouraged by a lack of change because it is too close. We'll see. But at the least every other week.

My updates will include:
-Weight loss
-My activity counter for the week (2 weeks)
-My favorite thing I ate

What can you do?
Aw, I am so glad you asked! In fact, there are a few things you can do.

#1 - Please pray for me and my goals. Pray that I keep the reason I am doing it to be present and forefront of my thinking. I desire to glorify God in my body and I don't think I can say that is happening right now in the category of health and overall wellness.

#2 - Don't keep encouragement to yourself. If you are like me you keep things to yourself hoping not to insult or make an awkward situation. If you want to, say something. No offense can be taken!

#3 - In the same category as the last point, if you have helpful or useful information please share. I don't know about "all this stuff." Admittedly! I am learning and trying to gain knowledge but I am not just not employing what I know. I am ready to learn and if you have something to share please do!

 Thanks lovely readers! Whoever you are!

*the gifs were meant primarily as comic relief. Please don't take them seriously. 


Five on Friday

Happy Friday! I am so thankful another week is down. Not because it has been stressful just glad to be at the weekend! 

Today wraps up my school year. She has done a great job this year and I am so proud of her. We are finishing up end of the year testing today and then officially onto summer break! 

I have been enjoying some down time because I am not working full time this summer. Where as it has been a financial strain I am thankful for the time off. Especially with moving next month. Monday I sat on my back porch listening to the birds fight over their place at the feeder while sipping some tea...um, like yea. That kind of down time! 

This baby came to see me! What a neat thing to have been involved in her life in so many ways! She maybe will never know just how dear she is!  

You need to read my sister's blog from this week.

We are officially house owners again! No more homelessness! Yeah God! He has worked so much out especially in the last several days! We are overwhelmed by His goodness. 

See you all next week!

Linking up for Five on Friday


My Singleness isn't a Gift

Now before you read, judge, and run please stick around. Hear what I have to say.

I have seen post after post lately encouraging singles to take hold of this "gift" of singleness.

"Don't waste these wonderful years you have been given."

I have a hard time with this concept. My singleness isn't a gift. Please read with the inflection on the word singleness. It is no more a gift than the years spent learning to walk, talk, eat, and well, live.

Or the acne prone, hormone raging middle school years.

Or the cramming, junk food eating, crazy schedule keeping college years.

Or the years with two babies wrapped around each ankle and one on the way. Where days are filled with dirty diapers, burned casseroles, and playdoh permanently taking residence in the bottom of your shoe.

Or the years watching children receive a diploma or a woman's hand in marriage.

Or the times spent when you are faced with the reality of shortening years and the goodness of God's riches that you will soon touch.

So, I am sorry if it sound rash but my years as a "Miss" are no more of a gift than any other point in time I may touch. Every day the Father gives us is a gift. We are no more to waste a Monday being married than one being single.

God has given me many gifts. MANY. I am to waste none of them.

Good and Perfect - Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father. James 1:17  Be it a sunny morning, an encouraging scripture, or a hug from a friend. Everything good and perfect comes from Him. There is no denial that my days before marriage are good. I will be the first one to say so. Are they hard? Yes, but so are the days filled with exams, fevers, or doctor's appointments. Do I long to be married? Of course, Don't most girls my age? But I thank the Lord for this day and the good and perfect He has planned in it. I will thank Him for my wedding day and the days after that too.

The Father desires to give gifts - The first part of Luke 11 tells us so. He didn't capitalize that those gifts end with any specified time, occupation, or status. The only ending comes when we fail to recognize Who gave them. I believe whole heartedly that these days are a gift. But I also know that He didn't specify that they are limited to certain ones.

A future and a hope - Not only does He desire to give us gifts but He has planned out a future and a hope. Take a look in Jeremiah 29. Verse  11 says He has planned out for our good and not destruction. If singleness is my future then I know based on this promise it isn't my destruction and the same thing applies to marriage.

Everyday I live under Grace - I have received a gift that is beyond what this day or this "time in life" brings. When He rescued, restored, and redeemed me by grace I was pardoned from eternal hell. I don't have to live in fear of what the enemy can throw my way because at the foot of the cross it was already defeated. This gift, this beautiful gift of grace fills the words I say, the decisions I make, and the directions I go day in and day out. It doesn't change, it stays the same. I have carried this gift for many years and but God's grace  I open a bit more each day. This gift isn't magically greater now because I am single. I am so loved, so purposed, and so cared for. That my friends is a gift and that gift transcends time and status.

So please, stop lying to singles to appease their desire for marriage by telling them this time in life is a gift. Today is a gift yes, but so is tomorrow and 50 years from now. Please, please direct them to truth. The truth that God gives a good, perfect, future forming gift everyday you are living under grace. The He will never and has never left nor forsaken you.

And please, if you are single and desiring God to bring the gift of a spouse pour into your redeemer. Soak up His Word. Cling to the promises. He has never left nor forsaken you and you don't need a manmade lie to make you feel better about where you are. God desires your heart. He loves you a lot more than you dared think and by trying to conjure up why He's doing what He's doing with a sugar coated reason is ignoring that truth that He loves you everyday and has coated you with grace. Dare to accept it and dare to stop living under this need for more or a reason you don't have more.

“For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand,
Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

So I challenge you this way. Don't waste the gift of grace...everyday. Soak it in. Pour it out. Relish that you didn't deserve it nor do anything to "get" it. It is totally a gift. No strings attached. No hidden agenda. Don't waste this gift. This precious, precious gift. 


Five on Friday

Linking in on Saturday because my server was down! All fixed now!

Whew another week has gone by and I barely recognized it was Wednesday before I woke up on Friday!

This week has been pretty insane so I am going to capitilize on the things that kept it entertaining! Until further notice...happy weekend!

I have been singing this all week.


I was doing some poking around on Pinterest and came across this perfectly staged picture of a girl strategically fixing her hair with a polyvore inspired outfit with just the right amount of accessories and extras.  Please read this dripping in the sarcasm I intended! I can take or leave the picture and the quote combination. What got me was her misuse of the word either. To bad their isn't such a
thing as a grammar check and not just a spell check. heehee! 


This child recently has taken me for a ride! My instargram post the other day summed it up like this.

"I want to hug him and send him to the zoo at the exact same moment. #reallifenannydiaries"

But today is my last day for the summer...save a day every now and then!

Our tiger lillies have burst open! I love this part of summer!

I CANNOT get over this child dancing! She is SO stinking cute. Oh. My. Goodness. I have showed it to at least a dozen people this week.

 Linking up for Five on Friday


Dear Friday Friend: Glady Hurt

Dear Friday Friend,

You walked into my life again recently. Every feeling inside me grabbed me to deter my forward motion. Despite the throat squeezing gut feeling I pressed on, reached into your world, and grabbed your hand. I kissed your wounds. I cried with you, held you, counseled you. And like that. As quick as you entered, you left. My heart ached, longed for you to touch again what you know as real instead of masking the hurt with your activities. But, like every other time, there wasn't a different outcome. I knew this in the deepest reaches of my soul but for you, dear Friday, for you I had hope. For some reason that is beyond my comprehension I always do and always will have hope. I can't explain it and I don't wish to try.

This time it hurt a little more as you walked out the door. Not me. I am not personally inflicted over your absence. To be honest your friendship isn't a gaping hole in my heart. I wish it was. But, dear one, the very definition of the word forbids it. Instead my heart aches. Not for me but for you. I struggle with the denial you carry. Your heart is a burden on mine and that is what makes my prayers for you so heavy the weight of them cripples my arms.

The odd thing is the very things you say harden you have crept on me as well. The same circle closed us out, the same hurt touched our hearts, and the same pain keeps us from forward motion. The largest difference between the two of us is that in my hurt I folded into the Father, in your hurt you turned to the world.

Friday, I have to be honest. I was stitching my white flag. Every time I get to this point the Father in His incredible and far reaching love gently discloses something to my heart.

"Not this time dear one, not this time."

I tuck away my white flag, feast at the goodness of His banqueting table, and press on.

This time His gentle reminder came through 2 Corinthians 12:15. My mom posted this article several days after I interacted with you for the last time. The words penetrated my soul and soothed my heart all at the same time. Never in my life had I grasped these words as they were written. He would gladly spend and never have confidence of being loved.

I don't want anything from you. I want, deeply desire, and long with my whole being for you to know and love the One who made you, holds you, and hurts with you. Friday, you are His chosen, beloved, princess and only you can make the choice to take on that identity.

This isn't different than any other time. This interaction hasn't given me a glimmer of hope for something greater. Other than the rock solid truth that I will gladly hurt for you. I want you to know I will sacrifice my personal love for the love of you. I will continue to hurt, continue to spend, and continue to hold out for the "one day" because I know the source of my strength isn't me. Contrary to popular advise I will remain open to your occasional needs, stay silent when you don't wish to hear, and open my door again when you come knocking.

Speak the truth? In love, absolutely.

Friday, with the love that took my Savior to the cross, I love you.


Funday Monday: check-up and summer plans

I know I am late linking up! Typical Monday morning means little free time until nap time. Thus, the boy goes down, the computer comes out. Then the afternoon exploded so my Funday Monday has turned into Tuesday morning!

I wanted to give some quick run down explanations of why things might be so quiet around these parts lately. Hopefully this will shed some light on the otherwise dark and confused absence! =)

Work - Because Boog's mom is a teacher I have the wonderful privilege of major school holidays and summers off. This is fantastic for the most part but this year but I knew financially I needed some extra income this summer. Praise be to God who provided and didn't let me even begin to worry! I have been offered a part time position very close to my house, Boogs will be with me one day a week, and I will be caring for my grandparents' yard. Thank. Ful. So thankful. Hopefully I can continue to save and be able to get back on my feet after this past year...

The Car - Oh sigh! Sensitive subject and potential tear jerker depending on my day and mood. Today I feel composed so I will continue. The total expenses tally in around $7000-$8000. You read that correctly. That would be three zeros behind the seven and eight. Having to work through what is wisest right now. I have two mechanics looking for used transmissions so that I can sell it for a little more than a TENTH of what I paid for it. If not, I am not sure how it will play out. Contemplating a small cheaper car to hold me over until I can pay for what I want. I am very sure and set on not getting into a car payment. God will provide. For now, as long as I baby it along the car gets me to where I need to go...

Church - This is a post in and of itself, quite frankly one I have avoided, but I will address it here. A post may come later. I have not considered myself a part of my parents' church for several years. The church I was ministering with had been great. I just knew that God was leading me on. Currently I am attending and slowly getting involved in a church about 25 minutes away. I have really enjoyed being refreshed and growing. God has worked and I am thankful. I guess that gives away the ending before the story but anyway...

The house - Well, it is sold and we have nowhere to move yet. Key word, yet. We are looking and God will provide!

Lastly, I am so excited that I will finally be participating in a 101 in 1001. I will post about why soon but for now, be looking for it to be begin August 1st!
Linking up for Funday Monday


Five on Friday: whirlwind

#1 - I am currently soaking up every bit of information I can get my hands on in relation to these guys! I am such a newbie to all this that I am devouring books and articles left and right. I purchased a sample or two at the convention a few weeks ago. I have used them in various times and places and have seen the results that I was told. I am so excited about them and can't wait to dive in a little deeper!

#2 - I got to take this guy and his momma to the doctor. He is 6 lbs of teeny tiny sweetness. His momma was one of the first of my teenagers. It has been so neat to see where God has taken her and her hubby in just a short time. They are such good parents!

#3 - My student wanted to make fried platanos for me this week! They were such a tasty treat and you better believe I counted it as home ec.

#4 - Saturday my whole family was together for dinner. As chaotic and loud as it is this, this is my favorite thing!

And last but ABSOLUTELY not least!

#5 - My last Friday post eluded to the fact that we were hoping to make a sale out of the 8 showings in 24 hours. God chose not to work...then. Monday God brought the buyer with full asking price and a solid contract! We are busy trying to find a house and praying for God to raise up just the right one!

Happy Friday!

Linking up for Five on Friday