
Funday Monday: check-up and summer plans

I know I am late linking up! Typical Monday morning means little free time until nap time. Thus, the boy goes down, the computer comes out. Then the afternoon exploded so my Funday Monday has turned into Tuesday morning!

I wanted to give some quick run down explanations of why things might be so quiet around these parts lately. Hopefully this will shed some light on the otherwise dark and confused absence! =)

Work - Because Boog's mom is a teacher I have the wonderful privilege of major school holidays and summers off. This is fantastic for the most part but this year but I knew financially I needed some extra income this summer. Praise be to God who provided and didn't let me even begin to worry! I have been offered a part time position very close to my house, Boogs will be with me one day a week, and I will be caring for my grandparents' yard. Thank. Ful. So thankful. Hopefully I can continue to save and be able to get back on my feet after this past year...

The Car - Oh sigh! Sensitive subject and potential tear jerker depending on my day and mood. Today I feel composed so I will continue. The total expenses tally in around $7000-$8000. You read that correctly. That would be three zeros behind the seven and eight. Having to work through what is wisest right now. I have two mechanics looking for used transmissions so that I can sell it for a little more than a TENTH of what I paid for it. If not, I am not sure how it will play out. Contemplating a small cheaper car to hold me over until I can pay for what I want. I am very sure and set on not getting into a car payment. God will provide. For now, as long as I baby it along the car gets me to where I need to go...

Church - This is a post in and of itself, quite frankly one I have avoided, but I will address it here. A post may come later. I have not considered myself a part of my parents' church for several years. The church I was ministering with had been great. I just knew that God was leading me on. Currently I am attending and slowly getting involved in a church about 25 minutes away. I have really enjoyed being refreshed and growing. God has worked and I am thankful. I guess that gives away the ending before the story but anyway...

The house - Well, it is sold and we have nowhere to move yet. Key word, yet. We are looking and God will provide!

Lastly, I am so excited that I will finally be participating in a 101 in 1001. I will post about why soon but for now, be looking for it to be begin August 1st!
Linking up for Funday Monday

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