About Me |

Welcome to my blog!

I'm AH
I'm 23
and jumping is kind of my thing!

I am a rescued, restored, and re-purposed child of the Creator of the Universe! He is constantly molding and chiseling me to become the creation He designs!

I am a daughter to an amazing set of parents, a sister to 4 of the coolest girls on the planet (yes, 5 girls total and no boys!), an aunt to 3 awesome little boys here on earth and 3 precious angels in heaven, homeschool teacher to a 10th grader, and nanny to 1 Grumpsaurus!
I teach ESL, craft whatever I can get my hands on, teach middle and high school girls Sunday School, and love preparing myself for future titles.
I love exploring and trying new things.
I love Vietemese, Thai, and most Latin American food!
I have a heart for adoption, a love of the beach AND mountains, and I am a huge sucker for the beautiful skies God paints just before the sun comes up and just before it goes down.
I have a tendency to correct grammar in my head, and complete math problems without paper.
I love the great outdoors but bring a cold wet night and I am content with a fireplace, a blanket, and a book.
I think way too much and don't act quickly, about anything.
I consider myself a geek and proud of it.
I love shoes and hate to wear them.
It pains me to know how many children die before seeing the light of day.
I am irritated by the current state of the nation.
I am rather random!

Here I blog about life and everything that goes along with it! A little about family, my nephews, crafting, fashion, recipes, being a nanny, Spanish ministry, teaching English, and more!

Glad you could join me!