
You've been Good

I finally break the silence to let you all in on a little secret. I've moved!

I have been weighing all options when it came to this blog. I love what blogging has done for the thoughts in my head and the little pieces of my life I want to share. It has broadened my horizons to a whole bunch of encouraging ladies and inspiring stories. I have splashed these posts with the good, the bad, and the blessed and it has been an adventure.

When it came down to it I realized that this blog, While I'm Waiting, incapsulated a time in my life that I want to remember. These pages have been open for six years. That is a good majority of time and memories. They hold a lot of growth, joy, hurt, and healing.

But, I like fresh. I like clean, and I like the direction this new blog is headed.

So, if you are still a follower you are welcome to come follow me over here!

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