
cardboard boxes and the blessing of food

Good Monday Morning! I feel like this day should be like a Friday...maybe, or a Tuesday, or wait, what? Last Sunday was the last "normal" day I had, but then again, what's normal? =)

Monday morning we hit the ground running...quite literally. Some dear, dear friends came all the way from Atlanta to help load us up and head us out. Some back and forth with the new house lead to three solid, straight days of packing, cleaning, and loading and about 30+ hours of homelessness Tuesday through Wednesday. We finally closed Wednesday morning and moved in. God supplied in unlimited supply help for all three days. 

I can't even begin to thank the people who spent hours pouring over boxes, gave up time with hubbys to send them to lift the heavy stuff, made and brought us food, provided starbucks, gave encouragement, loved on us, praised with us, packed and unpacked boxes, and the list could go on. They were such blessings through this whole process.

By the way, this has shown me one very important thing. When someone moves I will be taking them food! I cannot begin to describe the blessing food was through all this! Oh goodness, it was NOT on the forefront of our minds...at all, until we were hungry! 
Wednesday night was the first night in the new place and yet today was the first day I can say that all the boxes are "unpacked" and we are "moved in." It has been a whirlwind of a week! 
The empty house
During our "homelessness" my nanny made me muffins to snack on! There were a lifesaver for me! 
Sitting in a parking lot with almost all my possessions in the back seat of my car waiting on our house! 
Day 1 night of the new house. Exhausted, overwhelmed, and so very thankful.

Life gets "back to it" this week. It was supposed to begin today but I have had my sick nephew all weekend and my employers didn't think a nasty virus with fevers, sore teeth (throats), and upset tummies made for a great first day. 

Yes, I said first day but that is a story for another day. 

For now, happy Monday! 

I am looking forward to getting back into the groove of things! I will be back on target with Wednesday Weigh In and Oh Hey Friday along with other posts swirling in my head lately! Due to a blunder on my part 101 in 1001 is delayed. =( SO bummed when I figured out what I had done...ugh! 

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