
Sister make the best friends

I posted here about friends. It is a hard subject. When I was little the idea of friends was "sweet." You played together in the nursery floor. You went down the same slide. You pushed each other on the swing. You came to each other's birthday parties. You talked about each other. ETC.

As I have gotten older I realized how crucial friends are. How without them the body of Christ does not work. I am not talking about friends that only party with you. The nitty gritty ones. The ones that have seen you hurting. The ones that have scolded you for ill behavior. The ones that have cared enough to not say anything when you need it and say the some times hurtful but much needed things too. The ones that work together with you for His Kingdom.

I have also discovered something else about friends. That sisters make the best. I know I have the best friends ever and God gave them to me in the form of 5 sisters.
My big sis is turning...*cough* hmm...24...mm *cough*....Just Kidding! I don't think it's that old! Mostly because I am almost there! =)

I hope you have a wonderful day! I love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Annie! I love you and you are one of my dearest friends! I am so glad that God gave you to me!! Lovin you lots and lots!
