Ever feel like you are being watched?
There has been some random computer commenting on my blog for months now. I had up the comment settings a while back and that did nothing. Then I decided that I had to moderate them! It keeps them from being posted but I am still getting them! I have my blog on site meter and it doesn't seem to report anything unusual! Some times they use words. Some times they use symbols and pictures. Some times a mix. Anyone know how to stop them?
Chances are they will comment on this! Aye de mi!
No Ha'ing matter - in depth
HSLDA started in 1983 when homeschooling was barely on the radar. The goal was to help parents who have chosen to educate in this way work around the legal system. Now all HSLDA attorneys are homeschooling fathers themselves.
I wanted to pull in some other insights. I got this from the HSLDA's website. If you have any questions I would highly recommend this site for statistics, history, legal matters, information, etc. This is an article by Chris Klicka. Mr. Klicka died this past Fall but his heart for the Homeschooling community was huge. My running commentary is optional but please read the article.
Biblical Reasons to Home School
By Chris Klicka, Senior Counsel for the Home School Legal Defense Association
THEME: God has delegated the authority and responsibility to teach and raise children to the parents first. Parents can delegate their authority to teach and raise children to someone else, but they can never delegate their responsibility to teach their children to anyone else. God will hold parents responsible for what education their children receive (whether from teachers, books, projects, or peers). To whom much is given, much is required. We have a free choice in this country to not send our children to an ungodly public school—we will, all the more, be responsible. Remember, our children are dying souls entrusted to our care!
I. The raising of children is delegated to parents by God:
A. Psalm 127:3-5 (“Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; they shall not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gates.”)
B. Gen. 33:5, 48:8-9; Isa.8:18; Heb. 2:13 (“Children whom the Lord has given me”)
C. Matt. 22:21 (Render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and unto God that which is God’s—our children are God’s)
D. Training of children was not delegated to the state. The only Biblical accounts of states education were coerced: i.e. Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.
When your children are away from you for 6+ hours a day with several other influences than the raising it not "left" to just you. Indirectly there are several other "raisers" around you child.
II. Children, however, are still considered by God to be His (Therefore, children are a gift of stewardship and parents do not own the children):
A. Ezekiel 16:20-21 (“You slaughtered My children and offered them up to idols ...”
B. Psalm 139:13-16; Job 10:8-12; Isaiah 49:1,5; Jeremiah 1:5; Luke 1:41,44 (God’s claim to unborn children)
III. God has given us certain conditions we are commanded to meet when raising children (part of our stewardship responsibility):
A. Ephesians 6:4 (“Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”) Fathers have the greatest responsibility in training their children in the Lord and disciplining them. Are fathers “provoking” their children by sending them to public school?
B. Deuteronomy 6:6-9 (also see Deuteronomy 4:9, 11:18-21) We are commanded to diligently teach our children God’s commandments and principles all the time. Sunday school is not enough—children in public school are taught to think as non-Christians thirty or more hours a week.
C. Psalm 78:1-11 (Teach God’s principles to your children all the time so they will teach their children and so “that they should put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God.”)
D. Exodus 13:8,14; Joshua 4:20-22,24 (Teach you children what God has done).
E. Proverbs 6:20-23 (Children’s responsibility to obey parents’ teachings who in turn, should be teaching God’s principles)
F. Psalm 1:1-2 (Meditate on God’s law day and night); Proverbs 23:7 (“For as a man thinks, so is he”) Children in public school are being taught to think like non-Christians.
G. II Corinthians 10:5 (Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ)
H. Isaiah 54:13 (“And all your children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of your children.”); John 21:15 (“Feed My lambs” and “Feed My sheep”).
I. Jeremiah 10:12 (“Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of heathen nations.”) Isn’t that what our children are learning in the public schools?
J. Colossians 3:1-3 (“Keep seeking the things above, where Christ is . . . set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on the earth.”) The things above are God’s words recorded in Scripture. The Bible is the “blueprint” for all areas of life.
K. Matt. 16:23 (Peter, thinking like a humanist, told Jesus he wouldn’t have to die. Jesus said, “Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block to me: for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.”
L. Matt. 22:37 (“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your should, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and foremost commandment.”) How can our children love God with their mind when public school trains their minds to ignore God?
M. Luke 6:40 (“A pupil is not above his teacher but everyone after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher—a blind man cannot guide a blind man, can he? Will they not both fall into a pit?”) Are spiritually blind teachers teaching our children and leading them astray?
N. Romans 12:2 (“Be not conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”) Public schools conform our children to the pattern of this world.
O. Prov. 22:6 (“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”) We need to train our children in God’s ways now so they will walk in righteousness as adults.
P. I Samuel 15:1-23 (“To obey is better than sacrifice.”) Are we trying to make a “sacrifice” to God by sending our children to public school to “save souls” while disobeying God’s clear commands to us concerning raising our children?
IV. Good versus bad “socialization” of children:
A. Proverbs 13:20 (“He who walks with wise men, will be wise but a companion of fools will suffer harm”)
B. I Corinthians 15:33 (“Be not deceived; bad company corrupts good morals”)
As I wrote in the previous post I am witnessing and have witnessed first hand the dangers of "bad company." It corrupts and there is nothing about it that brings up good. Being with the wise, makes you wise...take what you may about being with the foolish.
V. Content of true education:
A. Psalm 111:10; Proverbs 1:7 (“Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge”)
B. Proverbs 2:6, 9:10 (“The Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth comes understanding.”)
C. Colossians 1:16-17, 2:3 (All things created by Him and for Him, he holds all together.) James 1:5 (In Christ are all treasures of wisdom)
D. II Timothy 3:15-17 (“. . .continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of . . . and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”)
E. II Tim. 2:15 (“Study to show yourself approved to God, handling accurately the Word of truth.”)
F. James 3:13-18 (Wisdom not from above is earthly, natural, demonic. Wisdom from above is “pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.”) Whose wisdom are your children being taught?
G. Psalm 119:97-101 (The goal of education is to train children in God’s law so they can govern themselves, be wiser than their enemies, have more insight than their teachers, understand more than the aged).
H. Matthew 18:6 (Whoever harms one of these little ones who believe in Me, it would be better for Him that a millstone hung about his neck and he drowned in the sea.) Are we harming our children if we send them to public school?
Thoughts to remember: God’s truth and His principles are the foundation of all knowledge; children must not only be taught to believe as Christians but also to think as Christians; God’s principles must be taught to children in a comprehensive manner on a daily basis; God’s truth speaks to every academic discipline. Where would Satan like our children to be taught? Sending our children to modern public education is like playing Russian roulette with their souls!
“I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.” III John 4
The LAST thing I want to do it condemn. My heart is ever growing more for the Biblical foundational truth found in the choice of Home Education. I am a little biased to it because I was homeschooled but, I want to give an honest view. This post is written away from my soap box.
This is not a conversion attempt. =) Rather an informational post. Take away what you want. If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Another Happy Birthday!



Where did time go?
Feliz dia del Padre!
The only one...so far!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day! I am so thankful for you and your family!

Nothing to "HA!" about
My family and I recently attended our state's annual convention for Home Educators. This means a little more than 2.5 days of taking classes, walking miles across the convention center from place to place, meandering through 100's of vendors, seeing old friends, etc. But, it is one of those "pains" you wouldn't trade for anything. The fellowship and encouragement pretty much mask the sore, throbbing feet and drooping eyes. We love going and every year have a great time.
After the weekend I showed up at Sunday School slightly in the deficit and people noticed! =) After explaining what my weekend had contained, someone I consider "close" turned to me and with a face of complete mockery simply says, "HA!"
Ohmygoodnessgraciousme! Bless her heart!
My immediate reaction was to be offended. How dare she?! She does not have any idea what she is talking about! She has so much to learn. Where most of these things may be true, the more I thought about it, the more I learned that I was the one that have learned.
As a home school kid in circles with several public/private school kids there were times I would think that I was "missing" something. That's how people tried to make me feel and they succeeded. They would treat me as if I had no idea what they were talking about. There were times I did not want to be homeschooled. I thought I wanted to be apart of what they "had." In reality, they had nothing! Nothing better...
As I have gotten older- later years in high school and after graduation- I am becoming more and more adamant that my parents not only raised me (and my sisters) with the education that God was calling them to but, and education where God could call us to Himself. I attribute so much of where I am to my education.
If you have never heard of this book, I recommend it. I have not made it all the way through but I have heard Ken Ham speak on it several times. I never had the chance to leave. I was being poured into with the truth at home, ready to give an answer.
If you are in the "HA" category, let me give you a little insight.
#1 - "Homeschoolers" aren't all the same. Just like public school kids. Just like you don't like others judging your whole school based on the handful of squeaky wheels we don't either. There are some homeschoolers that give "us" a bad name. Maybe why they do it, maybe how. Either way, we are not all the same. And, for the most part we are pretty normal.
#2 - We have talents...and brains for that matter. I played soccer and basketball, saxophone and sang in a choir. My sister sings with an all girl choir and they are pretty much the closest sound to angels this side of eternity! My best friend passed one of the highest levels of the Latin exam in the state...when she was in 10th grade. My brother-in-law graduated from 4 years of undergrad and 3 year of Law school. Another friend's soccer team went to states. All that to say is that we enjoy doing things and being a part of things. We have talents and we are good at things.
#3 - we go through struggles too. No, we are not in and among constant peer pressure. No, we do not have oppressing teachers. No, we are not standing in the rain and snow and below freezing temperatures to catch the bus (don't know why this equals a one up). But, we have other struggles. Don't think so, watch how you talk to us next time.
#4 - Potentially the most controversial. Our parents chose this position not to hide us from the world, but to guard our hearts and minds. They wanted us to be able to learn free from torment and taunting. They chose to struggle through our learning differences and finding what works for us. They wanted Christ to reign over other things and by "keeping" us home they instilled the importance of a Christ centered mindset and lifestyle. They chose to give us a start where we could learn to defend our faith.
I am not saying if you or your kids receive/received a public/private education that it makes your parents awful or unfit of their parental role. In no way do I want to say that we are better for it. But, the proof is in the pudding.
I am looking around at several of the people I grew up with at church. They places they find their lives in now makes me so sad. I have one friend with an eating disorder, currently attending college to get her degree in P.A.R.T.Y. Her facebook page is littered with the night life and alcohol. I have another friend who has all but severed her relationships with anyone from church. She does not talk to anyone. Doesn't get together. She won't be apart of any gathering. She has a circle of friends that make her "feel" good about herself. I have one friend who spends him time arguing against and finding fault in anything that comes from the Bible. None of these people came from unsaved homes. All of these parents loved and love God so much and it shows. I am not saying that if they had been homeschooled they would be saints. But, I am saying that foundation is important and if it is laid weakly or not at all then the structure will crumble.
I believe and stand whole hearted on that my parents chose for us the best start and form of education that is out there. How are you to know what is being poured into your child's heart if you are not with them for 75% of the day? My parents knew, and when they didn't like where something was going they were there to guide and direct.
To my "HA" friend, laugh all you want. I am very thankful to my parents for choosing what they did for me as far as education goes. I can not wait until I can attend one of these conventions as a parent. I am excited every time I go to see how big of a community we actually are.
Stepping down from my soap box...
ven, barát, tomodachi, prijátel, amigo, friend

This is K in Poland.

This is T in a location that I am not allowed to say here. We met the summer after I met K. She came right on the heels of K leaving. She was only a year and a half older than I but was hired as our summer intern at church. She was one of those interns that I was able to look at past the "adult" part. We got along really well. She just left for a 2 year commitment.

This is E. She is in Peru where she and her family live in Lima. She was able to go up to the mountains with us when we were there in August. No one else wanted to share rooms with us, which we didn't mind one little bit. So, we got an amazing room with a better view. We would stay up late talking about everything and neither one of us were morning people so we got along VERY well! =)
This is J. He is in Mexico. He prayed to receive Christ about a year before my trip where he served as our translator. We called him our teddy bear.

Finally this is a future overseas prayer. This is R and she has taken a teaching job in Thailand. She will be there for at least a year. She leaves in a little less than a month. If you think about it, pray for R as she learns the culture and the language! She has a huge task ahead of her! But, God does not call the equipped...He equips those He calls...