
13ish things

I'm a Reader's Digest fan. I am. Don't know why. Can't put my finger on it. Just am! =)

Recently they have started a serious running 13 things...won't tell you.

From your florist to your surgeon it offers a little insight into the minds and thought patterns of various people.

Well, I had a bright idea to start my own. I think there is probably some copyright reasons to the "13 things." So, we'll go with 10!

First up on the stand, 10 things your babysitter won't tell you.

1. We are not a nanny. Don't expect us to drop everything to come. It's not our job, it is an occasional paid position. Even if it is a weekly basis, every now and then something comes up.

2. If you are going to ask us to watch your child at a meal time supply something for us too. Many times (especially with the growing allergies in this country) we aren't allowed to bring anything into the house and we aren't allowed to eat your very expensive, limited amounts, special, allergy-friendly food. No one wants to sit and watch someone else eat and typically we haven't had time to grab something for ourselves.

3. Don't promise your child they can stay up because the babysitter is there after he didn't take a nap that afternoon. The $/hour your paying me isn't enough to deal with the whining and bad behavior accompanying the lack of sleep and trust me, they hear what you say and hold me to it.

4. Please be ready to go when I get there. Don't run to take a shower or change. The passing of the authority baton needs to happen quickly but the longer you are there the more times the child can disrespect me and get away with it.

5. I wouldn't want a random teenager playing on my computer either, but make some post kid time activities available. Show how to navigate the tv or turn on the wii and don't get visually upset if you come home and find us on the phone. From the time the kids go down at 8 until you get home at 11 is a long time to stare at a wall because you want absolute and total attention on your sleeping child.

6. The longer it takes for you to say goodbye, the longer it's going to take for me to calm them down. Explain quickly where you are going, give them a kiss and leave. Talk about the fun they had with the babysitter and remind them of that next time. Our excitement dwindles every time a kid starts screaming at the sight of us! Make it an exciting time for them too.

7. Please don't take away all "fun" just because I am there. No tv and no going outside or playing dress up. Pick one but not all 3. We are creative but it is nice to fall back on some of their favorites especially as it gets closer to bed time.

8. I don't mind helping your child get ready for bed. You really don't have to be running around getting the pj's on and teeth brushed before I get there. Show me where the pj's are kept and which tooth brush is who's.

9. If your child isn't allowed in a room or to touch something in your home please tell me to begin with so that I can uphold the rules you have.

10. Make sure to show me where you band aids and first aid kit are. We know what to do with a scraped knee but running all over the house looking for it makes it tricky.

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