
::Thanksgiving Fast Track:: and YOLOMondays Link up

November 11 - November 24
 Thanksgiving Fast Track
As I sat down to start this series I came across this picture. I don't have a computer of my own right now so keeping track of the pictures I have means comparing notes from 3 different computers, a handfull of thumb drives, and my camera! Whew! So ready for my computer to come! =)

Back to the post: when I saw this picture I knew that this would be the theme of one of my posts. Today I choose to declare my thanks for this girl! Being the youngest of 5 girls has to take it's toll on her poor little pre-teen emotions! Sure, she is spoiled (rotten) and totally lavished with attention and gifts, she is also kept in the position of "baby" sister in our eyes just because of her birth place. This picture screams to me oh how quickly she is escaping her "little" girlness. Her classic teenager messy hair, hand on the hip, and not to mention the fact that she and I have shirts from the same department. As in, it isn't a happy coincidence that our shirts happen to look the same!

She sure has matured a TON in just the last year! She is a SUPER huge help with the kids and most days will change a diaper without being asked, including the not so pleasant ones! She happily crawls on the floor with them and will wrestle and make animal noises to accommodate their childhood imaginations. A matter of hours later you can find her in front of a mirror fixing her hair and picking out the right shirt to head out to Bible Study. Just don't look too long or she will stop dead in her tracks!

Today I am thankful for the Bean! Bean, I am thankful for your sweet personality, your helpful attitude, and your generosity! I am thankful I am your sister. 

What are you thankful for?


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