
It's a start

I love to blog and have been doing it for several years on a private blog. I loved to blog that I wanted to do it in a way that I could share it with others.

To begin, I am not the person I saw myself being when I was a kid. In some ways and on most days I still feel like a kid. Growing up was hard to do. My senior year in high school I did not have a "plan." God was so good and knew what I needed. He had given me 2 wonderful and supportive parents who, (BTW, struggled through 4 years of high school with me trying to get all my college bound credits) encouraged me away from furthering my education beyond my high school diploma. I never had a peace about it. Grand ideas really didn't matter when in reality God had been prompting me to stay away from it. I don't believe God said never, just not then.

So back to the first thought...yes, I ramble! =)...I am not in a place that I never thought I would be. Not because I didn't like the elements of my position. Or because it goes against every grain of my being. Just simply because I never thought of it. I am a nanny. To some that does not even sound like a real job...i don't wanna hear it! I am also my church's preschool coordinator...again some might think, does this chick even work? But, let me tell you! Forms to be filled out...or made, schedules to be written up, sitters to find, meetings to attend, feed the hungry toddler, oh yeah, he takes a nap, make signs, take down signs, catch the baby going up the stairs, make phone calls, and attempt to keep my sanity!

Really it is not that bad! I love what I do! I am learning so much about being organized and disciplined to do things I need to do! God has been faithful thus far. He has brought me to where I am and I have not doubt He will take me where He wants me next! Along the way I am learning to be obedient and taking every step even if I don't understand all that goes along with it!

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