
Family Fav Friday...

Well, a day early! Looking ahead to tomorrow I knew that I would SO not be able to post with all that we have going on! =)

Inspired by my sis, I decided to post "how to" something we love! And I mean LOVE! These have become a fast fav around here! Even dad, a picky cookie eater l-o-v-e-s these cookies!

Flax Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 cup butter
1 cup sucanat w/honey
1 cup sucanat (I use just 2 cups of sucanat)
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 1/5 cup fresh soft white wheat flour (if I don't feel like grinding, which is alot! =) I just use unbleached all purpose. Works the same just a lower nutrition value)
1/2 cup flax seed
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cup coconut
2 cups chocolate chips

I am not a huge fan of chocolate...ok, I don't like the stuff. We used many different things and I think I finally found "the one!" They are PERFECT! They stay to themselves and if I am having a particularily detest to chocolate day I can pick them out. BUT, they stay pretty much to themselves and I love what they add without over taking!

Cream butter and sucanat and sucanat with honey into a grainy paste. Add eggs and vanilla and beat well. Mix dry ingrediants and stir into creamy mixture. Add coconut and chocolate chips.

**WARNING** this dough is EXTREAMLY thick. It does not just blend and stir together like it says. I'm just saying.

With my FAVORITE unitasker make some 1" cookies.

Plop 'em on a greased pan. This is my preferred size. They stay soft and chewy!

Bake at 350 for 10 minutes. At this size it took more like 15-17 minutes. Catch them when they are golden that way they are not crackers later!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Great pics-almost like I can taste them, oh wait I can- I'm eating one now!
