
Me - let's try this again

I tried to participate in this last time but I didn't get in before the link closed. I thought maybe I would try again! I participated in one "show us your..." and it resulted in a few blogging friends! I love the world of technology!

Since my About Me is pretty extensive I thought I would hit the highlights here.
There are 3 main loves in my life -
-My Savior
-My family
-The Spanish Language
My Jesus gave me the greatest gift when He gave me the assurance of being with Him forever. He wrapped Himself in flesh, dwelt among humans, sweat and scraped His knee, lost sleep, gained weight, tasted food He didn't like, lived a sinless life, died a horrible death on a cross to take my and everyone else's sin on Himself so that we can live to glorify and praise him forever.
My family plays a huge role in my "story." With how cliche it sounds, I would not be half the person I am without them. They have loved and encouraged me through all my weird ambitions and plans, been there when they failed, cheered me on when I succeeded. I love hanging with my sisters and being with my parents. I, to this day, don't mind being seen with them and I am not embarrassed by them...most of the time! =)
I found my love of the Spanish language in high school. I didn't think I would ever had have the need to speak another language...then God took me to Mexico. In the summer of 2007 God planted a seed in my heart for the Spanish speakers who need to know Him. I plunged into my high school Spanish classes and took on any "side orders" of Spanish I could get. These days I attend a Spanish Church that meets in our church building, listen to Spanish music, and spend as much time in Peru as I possible can!
Yes, you read that right! I LOVE Peru! If you know me, you know there is not secret there! I have so far been twice and I loved every minute. There is a possiblity for me to spend quite a bit more time there this summer! Can't wait!

Here are a couple random facts about me!

-I don't like chocolate. White chocolate is "ok" but anything else...NOT a fan!
-I have a thing with feet...DON'T like them!
-I am a fan of most music. Not too picky, as long as I can understand (and don't cringe about) the words and like the sound then I will listen to it!
-I have only been to 2 other countries other than the States, Peru and Mexico.
-I am not a tv person but I do enjoy a movie or 2.
-I like being outside
-I enjoy drives in the country
-I don't like spiders
-I could spend the rest of my life and not step foot in the Miami airport
-I LOVE getting a good deal. If I can chop the price in half (or more) than I am going to! I typically DON'T buy clothes unless they are on sale, and tend NOT to buy anything unless needed and/or on sale!

There you are, you see my loves and my weirdisms! I am not a complicated person just a young 20 something in love with my Savior, taking every step in obediance, waiting on His call with what happening "next."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog!! It's nice to 'meet' you! Have agreat weekend!
