
Day 7

Day 7 - Favorite movies
I've gotten asked this question a lot recently.
I'm not sure how to answer.
I enjoy movies that don't make me turn green, shift uncomfortably, cover my ears, or hide my eyes.
If I'm I am going to sit and watch a movie I want it to be worth it. I enjoy movies that have slapstick type of humor. Crazy, stupid, fun. Unfortunately along with the majority of these movies comes a great deal of crude humor or yucky jokes. I have to admit that I enjoy a little Adam Sandler from time to time.
A little.
Leagally Blond might have to rank close to the top in that category too!
Other than that I like "feel good" movies.
Facing the Giants
One night with the King
Remember the Titans
Blind Side
I am sure there are more but this is all I can think of for now!
Probably the top of the top would be all things Jane Austen.
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility

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