
unintentional sensory bin idea!

The past few weeks have been super crazy busy! Shamefully little man has paid for it by riding hips, sucking his paci 24/7, and eating whatever, whenever, from whoever! Now I am paying for it with a whiny child! Our days this week have been filled with reminding ourselves what it means to have to live by rules! *Sigh* for long days!

So, today I was pulling out my hair along with his and needed to find someway for him to do something constructive! He needed to accomplish something! While cleaning out the paper shredder he became very interested in the paper that I had removed from the bin. Within seconds of plopping him down in front of a basket full of this messy fun he dove right in! We played hide and seek with toys, wore it on our head to look like Santa, and sunk our toes into the fluff! He loved it and unintentionally I found a way for him to do something creative, fun, and constructive! No paci, no food, no hips! Success!

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