
Mis Metas!

Metas = goals

Goals = plans

Plans = accomplishment

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22

Accomplishment = good

accomplishment apart from God's direction =/= good

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

With that being said, I am not calling them resolutions. I refuse. Instead, I have studied and prayed and have chosen these specifically to be my acts of active waiting obedience for 2013. 13 of them. 

So, here it goes...

#1 - Really, really work on getting organized. In my finances, ESL class, kid's stuff, Sunday School stuff, etc. I have found some helpful stuff here and here. I want to get everything in a working order so I don't have to work so hard to find the things I need when I need them. 

#2 - I really want to get some projects completed. Last year I had a goal to complete some projects for myself. None happened. So, this year I have a plan! I have wanted to make a tshirt quilt for years now with all my tshirts from high school. I found a measurement chart here that seems helpful. I also want to complete this and some other wall hangings.

#3 - This is another reoccurring goal. It didn't happen last year because I didn't have a plan. This year, I do. I want to be very intentional in my relationships. Not what I can get, but what I can give. I want to really work on this. I am going to work on getting together a list of people I want to contact throughout the year. People I don't talk to often. I want to put birthdays on my calendar and be sure to send a card. I want to plan to spend 1 on 1 time with 1 of my younger sisters each month. Example: I am taking Madalee out to dinner next week to celebrate her birthday from October. Next month I will take the Bean out for her birthday. Then March it will be Madalee's turn, April, Bean's turn, and so forth. 

#4 - I want to plan and execute a RAOK day. I have found several ideas here and here and I want to make some of my own. I don't know who this will involve and it might end of being a mix of whoever. We will see.

#5 - I want to research and study and practice a new skill. I don't know exactly what this will look like. I have recently picked up knitting and it may be just to perfect my skills there and learn some new stitches. But, I would like to learn something else and new. 

#6 - Continue my Spanish learning. I have worked really hard this year on my understanding. I have gotten to the point where I am no longer working hard to comprehend, translate, and then formulate an answer. I would like to get to the point where I respond with confidence. 

#7 - Another reoccurring goal. I have started my plan to buy my Operation Christmas Child gifts well in advance. I want to plan out purchasing items to fill 6 boxes, one for each age group and gender.

#8 - Gift planning was a HUGE success last year.  I love that the gifts  I gave were personal and specific. I planned out what I was going to give to who and what it was going to look like. This year I want to write out all the people I would like to receive a gift from me and what I would like to do for them. I plan to write out what I will need for each gift, when I will get started on it, if I need help from someone or a certain product. 

#9 - I plan to read more this year. I have TONS of book on my shelves that I have never cracked the cover of. I would like to read them and really have an opinion that goes beyond the back cover. 

#10 - It is true that my exercise last year was a big step in the right direction. I completed my first 10k and worked really hard at getting in some physical exercise just about daily. I would like to continue this. I would like to run in another 10k and add a 5k to the mix too! 

#11 - THIS BLOG! (said in exasperation!) Oh gosh! This blog of mine. I have such a HARD time finding time to give to this blog. I want to plan out days to devote to getting some posts up and following that plan. I hope to participate in a few blog hops, linky parties, and more! 

#12 - I want to be VERY diligent with my prayer journal. I want to be specific and purposeful in writing down and keeping a physical record of the way the Father works.

#13 - This is my big one. I am still nervous about beginning this. I have counted it up and I am fairly confident I can do it. No, I know I can do it...it is a matter of me choosing to do it. My plan is this:: Every month from now until November I will memorize 2 sections of Psalm 119. By the beginning of December I will be able to recite all 176 verses at once, without verse cards, cheat sheets, or the Bible in front of me.  

These are goals. Goals to reach for. Goals that I don't think are bad. However, if these goals become my goals then I will have failed. I don't ever want to reach for a goal. My main goal and desire is that the Father be made famous through me and my actions. So, my blogging friends, these goals, aren't my goals. These goals are means of obedience, love, and waiting. These goals are acts of faith and trust. Ultimately these goals are "things" that I want to accomplish for Him. If He directs me differently it will be because He established my steps and prevailed His purpose...not mine.

I am excited about this new year! I am excited to see what God has in store. I don't know what that will be but God does. I pray each of you have a blessed new year! 

What will you accomplish with this time ahead?

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