
YOLOMondays Link Up! Mobile life

This last month has been a whirlwind that I would give anything to live through again. I love Christmastime and it seems to be cut shorter and shorter every year! I love to soak up ever little bit of it I can.

This Christmas I was met with some different challenges that kept me from some of the the things I love the most. My job's hours have increased greatly since September and add to that the flu that's been going around and it made for a Christmas decorated with tissue boxes, ibprophen bottles, and hot tea. The farthest I traveled was from my bed to my couch and my Christmas dinner looked pretty similar to an ordinary Monday morning breakfast.

Not to worry! On the heels of the flu Christmas was New Years, which I celebrated in the doctor's office with a double ear infection. Oh sigh! 

So, here's a quick peek of December (pre-sick) life mobile-ly (not a word I know!).

We spent the day at my sister's house about an hour from here just before Christmas. Dad and Jon spent the day building a fireplace for their new wood-stove. They are so talented! Mom, my sisters, and I spent the day working on Christmas gifts, playing games, visiting, and having fun! They live pretty far out so any light they have radiates in the night time. I just love the way the lights look up on the barn!

Early in December my sister and I had a chance to hang with some awesome people on the Behold the Lamb of God tour because we volunteered to work a show happening about 30 minutes from our house! God was pretty cool to work the details out 72 hours before the concert. I was supposed to direct a practice and she was supposed to be practicing that night. LLLOOONNNNGGG story, short! We made it and had the time of our lives! Even got to chat with Andrew Peterson and advocate for some kids through Show Hope! Can I get a what, what?!

With much prodding from family members, the awesome help from my uncle and months of saving, I joined the movement of the apple! Needless to say, I'm not going back!

After Christmas break, I had the kids for 3 days with no school, no schedules, little parental participation, and little energy. It wasn't a great few days but there was a glimmer of good that shined. Check out this moment I captured of the two biggest. Crazy. Rare. Needed a professional photographer. Yes to all.

After a bowl of mac 'n cheese, a pile of chicken nuggets, and 1/4 of a quesadilla ended up on the floor this week I found a lunch my 1 year old with actually eat. Yes, I just listed 3 of the biggest "kid friendly" foods available but he has turned his nose up to them all. So, what worked was this: Chili beans, and sweet potato. Not together but boy was he in heaven. Say what?!
In the window of feeling good between Christmas a New Years we headed to the mountains literally for a matter of hours to our favorite bulk food store. I got my wish. Snow and Christmas. Together. It was BEAUTIFUL!
Christmas day was spent doing NOTHING. I grabbed a Christmas present and Mac and we chilled. Merry Christmas! By the way, if you haven't seen that movie...you should. End. of. Story.
My incredibly thoughtful students schemed up a plan to bless me like crazy this Christmas.

Translation for anyone not bilingual-minded **Thank you for being our teacher. A gift from your students.**

I am not sure they understand that this class is as big of a blessing to me as I hope it is to them. I love my Mondays spent with them and I can't believe it's been a year since we started. They have no idea how many ideas this has pricked in my mind for future. 

Happy Monday!


1 comment:

  1. Love the updates, AH!
    Sorry you were sick on Christmas (and New Years!) that's plain miserable!! Hope you're doing better!
    Kimber :)
