
The Girls Between the Lines: Millennials Misunderstood?

I am joining up again with Hayley and Lauren for {getting to know} The Girl between The Lines. This week's prompt was freestyle! I have been thinking about this post for a while and figured a free writing day was just the time to go for it!

I've seen post after post about about millennials this and millennials that. There is a slight feeling of people talking about me when I see them. There is also a part of me that just get prickly at the sound of the name millennial.

Speaking as one I am never surprised at the growing list of reasons why the church is "loosing" us. With each new addition or spin on it I can't help myself but roll my eyes and sigh and think that one day they will get it...maybe.

I don't wish to enlighten anyone of my mounting research. I haven't polled young people my age to ask them if they agree. I am simply responding as one hoping that this will reach the ears of someone who needs to hear it.  I am not saying that this isn't an issue. I am watching childhood friend after childhood friend stay as far away from the church doors as possible and their lives are following. But that is not what this is about. Here are my thoughts on the let's save the millennials movement!

Stop talking about us. I appreciate your concern with the blog posts, pleas from the pulpit, and magazine articles. But just stop. We feel like the issue sitting in the room that has to "be taken care of." Except unlike a decision to be made or an event to be planned, we have ears. We hear what you're saying. We read your words and we can't help but feel like we're being talked about. So first and foremost, please stop talking about us and...

Talk to us. If you want to show us your concern then tell us. Ask us what we're up to, what makes us get fired up or break down, what we're struggling with or what we're learning.

Don't separate us. 1 Timothy 4 says not to look down on others because of their youth. However for some reason that isn't taken to heart. I get it. I grew up in the church. You rocked me as a baby, taught me my first Bible verse, directed my elementary choir, lead my middle school Bible study, mentored me in high school, and patted me on the back at graduation. I didn't follow the traditional four years then grad school only to return married and with child but I've seen it with people who have. The struggle is still there. You don't see an adult in front of you. You still see the baby in the nursery or the nine year old singing songs. I am not asking you to hang out with me, I am asking you to allow me to grow up. 

Teach us. In reverse of my last point, be the older person talked about in Titus. Show us what your learning, teach us the things you know. It's neat how God designs it that way. There will always be more mature and less mature children in His Kingdom. As the "older" please bestow on "younger."

Please be our family. As a born again believer I call the same God, Father as you. You are my brother/sister in Christ. Before labels, terminology, "generations," or names we are family. We want those relationships but for so long we haven't been offered them. We're not looking to see cool cafes, skinny jeans, or hip music. Like you, we are looking for connections. Please connect with us. 

So before you go changing your entire church make up to  reach those millennials please, please hear from one millennial that doesn't think you're completely off...just missing some things.


  1. This is great! I think we all need to do a better job of just being a unified body of Christ and not trying to reach specific segments. Sometimes we totally over-think it and it's really just about being to others what we would want - a listening ear, someone to ask us what is REALLY going on, etc. Thanks for sharing, Anne-Holly!

    1. You are welcome! I struggle with this concept. So much of the church is just trying to "fix" it instead of just communicating. It doesn't have to have a method and event just reach out to someone...Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. Thank you for saying what I've been wanting to say for ages. Do you mind if I share this post with some people? :)

  3. Ahh this was pretty fun to read!! Kind of the "inside response" to all of those articles... thanks for sharing this week!! I agree wholeheartedly. Thanks for linking up!!

  4. Thank you for hosting! This has become one of my favorite link ups!

  5. Great response to all of those floating around! I think that a few that I have read also kind of miss the mark. Love your thoughts on this! Thanks for linking up! :)

    1. Thank you! And thank you for the link up!
