
What I want to be when I grow up

Everyone has been asked that question. Sunday School, school papers, ice breaker conversations, etc. My answer has always been the same.
A mom.
I have spent my 20 years watching the greatest example of what a mom is. She has given me the greatest tools to become what I dreamt of my future holding. Daily I watch her as she reacts...or not, how she holds, loves, lets go, gives or takes away, cares, directs, manages. She is human, and like us all was still born with a sinful nature...but I can't help wanting to be like her. (I don't think I can really escape that, everyone says I am just like her!) I so look forward to the day that I can put into practice all the things she has taught me.
As for today I want to celebrate her. My example. My Friend.
My mom.

Happy Birthday mom! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day! I love you and I am so thankful that I am able to learn from you! Ikea is coming! =)

Yes, this is a picture from my graduation 2 years ago! I don't have any current pics of us...sad I know!

1 comment:

  1. Annie, you are going to be the most awesome mom ever one day! I know it! You are truly an incredible young lady. I love this picture of you two! You were such a cute graduating senior!
