

  1. health over all
  2. family that supports and loves me.
  3. friends that come in all ages and kinds.
  4. the ability to worship the God who gave me breath and life.
  5. the opportunity to come before the Father in other languages.
  6. Warm water to take a shower comfortably...
  7. ...the ability to take showers numerous times a week (that's not a typo)
  8. more than 2 changes of clothing.
  9. enough clothing for the different and varying seasons.
  10. a job that I enjoy.
  11. other than a few minor set backs the ability to do with my money what I need/want to do.
  12. provisions for my recent trip to Peru.
  13. Godly ladies as mentioned in 1 Timothy 5.
  14. peace that passes ALL understanding that come from my Jesus in storms I may encounter.
  15. salvation from eternal pain and suffering and deliverance to eternal fellowship with my Savior.
  16. a car that runs.
  17. the presence of all 4 grandparents and both parents.
  18. the relationships given as an example to me through my parents, sister and brother-in-law, and other friends.
  19. sight to enjoy the visual beauty of God's world.
  20. hearing to listen to the sounds the Father made.
  21. clean water to drink upon desire.
  22. a healthy start to life.
  23. a teen hood filled with Godly wisdom and very few bad decisions.
  24. technology that connects me with friends that live thousands of miles away.
  25. books that open a world to learning.
  26. a roof over my head.
  27. a ceiling fan.
  28. shoes that don't have holes.
  29. washing machines
  30. indoor plumbing
  31. laughter.
  32. growth
  33. wood stoves
  34. electricity
  35. a bed.
  36. the ability to wear what I would like without being arrested for showing ankles, wrists, or my face.
  37. living near the ocean, the mountains, and historical sites.
  38. tooth brush
  39. make up (yes, I am that shallow)
  40. the comfort in knowing that anyone I "loose" this side of heaven will once again be with me in the presence of the Father.
  41. forgiveness

The list is forever growing...but for now I will leave with this. Happy Thanksgiving! May it be blessed! Remember to be thankful in whatever circumstances you are in!

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