
Day 2 - Black Friday and a Birthday!

Day 2: Black Friday/General Shopping Tips & Tricks

Seems kinda pointless to post this now but with the way stores have sales every waking moment I guess it could come in handy at some point!

Let's see! Black Friday Shopping! I am NOT one of the crazies up at some unknown hour to get the MEGA sales. But, I do, however, enjoy getting a good deal on something. I also like to plan ahead. So, here is my strategy.

-Write lists. Decide who I am buying for. What I might want to get them.

-Take a look! Look though the sales paper and see what is on sale where. Compare. Decide if it is really a good deal to go to that particular store and get that particular item, or if it is not that big of a savings.

-Plan a route. Choose the path of least resistance. I don't live in a Huge city but the area I live in is heavy on the traffic, especially this day. Plan out what places first and what places can wait (sales only last until so and so time).

I am not a parent so the BIG things that are heavily advertised such as electronics, or clothing is not really on my radar. I am searching for more of the obscure or not so frequently sought after items, such as DVD's, books, and smaller gift items. For example: I didn't even plan on heading to Walmart this black Friday but ended up going with my family that evening...like after 6...to pick up a few things. Not intending to buy anything I came across a middle-aisle display of scrambled toys with various hand-written price tags. After digging a few minutes I found a 10 count pack of hot wheels cars for a grand total of $5. Yes, you read that right! So monkey has a very nice present coming his way! Just to give those of you who don't know what pricing is like on those cars an idea. Individually they can cost anywhere from $.80 - $1 a piece. In packs of 5 they can cost anywhere from $6-$8 depending on styles and kinds. So a 10 pack for $5 is pretty good!
I also keep a basket in my closet for any good deals I may come across while I'm out. Last year after Christmas I went to Pier One's 70% off sale. I picked up 10 - 15 bracelets that were on sale for a $1-$2 a piece. They have been great to pull out when there is a need for a gift at any point. So be on the look out for the "handouts" as I call them. Good way to put up for the future so you are not scrambling last minute!

This post has a double meaning! I want to make sure I add a very Happy Birthday to my oldest sister! We are 7 years apart and other than the first few years of my life that really hasn't made that much of a difference.

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day! I love you and I am so thankful that we have "lived" together the last few months! I love being with you and Bubby even when the days are long and trying! I know my monkey enjoys it! Praying the Lord's blessings over you and the year to come! May God bless you 10 fold how you bless those around you!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you my amazing sisster! I am blessed to have you as a sister! I love you!
