
Day 3 - The most meaningful gift

**Don't really know why it didn't post yesterday!**

Day 3: Most meaningful gift/best gift you've received
At the risk of sounding sappy, radical, crazy, whatever you want to peg me as, I can confidently say that the best gift I have ever received is the one that my Father gave me. Not that my parents have not given me good gifts. They have. They have been extremely generous and lavishing when it came to gifts and they have been wonderful but the one my Father gave to me by far trumps them all.
You see when I was still dead in my transgressions He gave me life in Christ because of His great love for me. (Eph. 2:4) He gave His one and only Son (John 3:16) to be fully human in every way to be an atonement for my sin. (Heb. 2:17) It was NOTHING I did to "get" it but God's gift to me. (Eph. 2:8-10)
There is nothing I could "do" or "be" to receive His great love. I did not do anything. That is the most meaningful gift I have ever received.

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