
Goals Go!: April

To be honest this is one of those things that grates on my type A personality so bad! The past two months have been packed! Packed with everything but me getting my goals accomplished. I need to make a category in my goals titled "stretching" so that I can learn to take all the goals I make up and let them go.

I decided that instead of trying to catch up this month that I am just going to recalibrate. Like a GPS that has to re-decide what to do when you don't make that turn. "Recalculating...again." But that's ok...right? When the last few weeks have been consumed with cars breaking, half-a-month trips to Atlanta, too many snow days, mounting bills, and sick little boys it is, of course, ok!

This is going to be a recap of about where I am and where I hope to be in a month. Here is a look at the last month if you are interested.

365 thanks: I have gotten behind on this...really behind. I don't remember the last time that I took a picture of something I was thankful for. I think I am going to change this a bit. I don't think I need to be less thankful...just thankful in a different way. I am going to change the project to once a week. I will try to snap a picture of something I am thankful, but only once a week. By the end of the month I should have a slide show with a grand total of four item and not thirty. That means at the end of the year it will be 52 and not 365. Again, that. is. ok.
Goal for this month - Make sure I have the first 14 for the first 14 weeks of 2014 written up, pictures taken, and flipagram made. 

Memorization: I didn't finish the verses I chose for February. Just being honest. That means I didn't choose one for March. I am taking April to master the two I have chosen.
Goal for this month - Master Psalm 139 and John 1:1-16. 

Birthday cards: I got behind on March. I am still sending them anyway! Hoping to get most of April's made and addressed tonight to be ready to sent.
Goals for this month - make and address all of April and March by this first week of April. Send by April 7th. By the last few weeks of this month I want to work on May's and have pictures taken so that I can post about it! 

Sister dates: Because my car broke down I have failed and failed miserably. I missed January altogether, February was supposed to be Bean for her birthday and March was Madalee. April is back to both of them. This is going to be reconfigured. Bean will get her birthday date and we will start over with both of them this month.
Goals for this month - take Bean on her birthday sister date and recalculate. 

Grandparents: Every other week my family and my uncles spend the Sunday night at my grandma's house. This past week I visited with my other grandparents. Working on it. Not great but working on it.
Goals for this month - contact my grandparents not through my parents. 

Pen pal: I am a despicable human being.
Goals this month - write back and send NO later than April 7th.


Lesson plans: We have been on a class break lately because I have been gone so much. I plan to take a look this week and really lesson plan. For homeschool I feel like I'm on track.
Goals for this month - figure out how I want to go about the next term and how to execute it. I also need to write up everything for next year and decide what to do for a junior! 

Buisness notebook: Having to do some MAJOR reconfiguring. Including a new budget to meet my current needs. Taking a look this week to see if I can get back on top.
Goals for this month - reconfigure the budget to live like no other this year (reference Dave Ramsey). Also need to add sections for classes (next year/semester), and a small side business I am hoping to start up.

Calendar: Still working like a charm. Need to work harder on accomplishing my lists I set per week but keeping a good count of when I am paid and needed dates.
Goals this month - Keep it up! Set realistic weekly goals of small things to get done, and get them done! 

Foods: My stomach hates me. Going to start a project blog to see if I can nail something down and hopefully find someone, anyone that may deal with the same things! Coming soon!
Goals this month - make the blog functional and begin keeping a detailed track of symptoms and trigger foods.

Clothing: Nope. Actually, that is a lie. I did a MASSIVE clothing overhaul this month. I emptied both seasons, all drawers and the closet, tried EVERYTHING on and got rid of/plan to sell what I don't want, couldn't wear, etc! It was fantastic...and humbling.
Goals this month - Take at least 10 outfit pictures. That means getting dressed 10 times this month in something other than my "go to" items! 

Hair: Nope again. Growing my bangs out...going to pull them out before this is said and done.
Goals this month - to participate in Taming Rapunzel's Feminine Monday link up with hairstyles on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.

I feel better getting this all down and out of my head. Hopefully my month of calibration will do me good! Looking forward to getting back on track. Desiring to make plans and keep them but not be overwhelmed by them to the point of obsession!

Happy Tuesday and April Fool's Day!


  1. I am terrible at keeping small goals like these!! You're doing better than I would have!! Keep up the great work, April will be an awesome month of recalculating! :)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! I am hoping for that as well!
