

Party pics will come soon! I promise! Tonight I am headed to the mountains with my church family for out annual church retreat. This has to be posted so it will be quick.

Today this turns 16.
For me it is a mixed emotion kind of day. She is my first little sister and it scares the pants off me that she is 16! I remember 16. I thought I had it all together...I was 16, fyi! *rolls eyes and places hands on hip after mastering the perfect "z" snap!* Now, she is here.
We are very, very different if so very many ways. She has the voice, the personality, the volume! She counts no one as an enemy until she has been decided that they indeed are not her friend. Since she was little, age really didn't seem to matter. Whatever age she was turning she was always going on 30. Drama is her middle name...has been, always will be! =) I don't believe a situation would be complete without her proclaiming to the world the "unfairness" and depressive state we are all in, "I'm just saying!" A phone is most usually found in her had and an ear bug is most often found in her ear. Her music preference comes in waves and one day Hawk Nelson hung the moon and the next Reliant K is all that! She is loud, spontaneous, a liver of life to the fullest, a romantic notion filled dreamer, kind of girl. The weight of the world can wear her down but the mention of fun cuts the strings in an instant. She has a heart for others. She loves kids. She went on her first real mission trip this summer and I have not seen her so pumped ever!

She is being beautifully shaped into the wonderful child of the King made to serve Him in her life though and through. I am excited to see what God has in store for her. I can't imagine life without her and I can barely imagine what God could be making for her in her life.

Happy Birthday Madalee! I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful birthday!

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