
Peru in 2!

I literally can NOT believe how fast time is going! I can't seem to get it straight before I hit another big event!

I leave for Peru in a little more than 2 weeks! You read that right, 2! I am so, so very excited. For a while now it has been a thought in the back of my head that I was planning to get excited about but had not had the chance! =) But, I am finally getting excited!

Between now and then time will fly, and I mean fly by! In a matter of days we will be hosting a house full of loud teenagers for my sister's 16th birthday. She has been planning this day for months and we, as her unofficially assigned party-planners, have taken it upon ourselves to keep going with her plans...I mean, really keep going. My mom and I came across an idea on another blog with a backyard barnyard type thing. We are talking hay bales, hot dogs, roasting marsh mellows, the whole nine yards! Which speaking of the hay bales - God is so HUGE and He so cares about the details. Our county had a Harvest Festival this past weekend and when we called the lady in charge about buying the remaining hay bales from them she was more than happy to give them to us...just give! Ain't God great?!

Then next weekend my church is headed up to the mountains for a weekend away. This used to be a yearly thing, then it turned into an every other year deal, until now we take what we can get! =( We have not been in 3 years and for goodness sake, it's 'bout time! It is really a fun time away to be with each other away from the "things" of life. No one has a schedule that is pressing, no one needs to be somewhere at a particular time. It is a relaxed, fun, growing, challenging time to be together away!

When we come back Sunday p.m. it is on the down hill slide until I leave that Saturday. EEP! I think I have it all together! It seems crazy right now but I am fairly confident that it will all come together. I had a dream that I didn't have my passport when we got to the airport...I was standing there crying because they were leaving without me and I had no way of getting home and I couldn't go and...then I woke up...I think the passport will be the first thing packed! =)

All in all I can not praise my God enough for His provision. With amazing gifts from family and friends and those I don't know and the support from those I asked He has given me an abundance of what I need! I will receive that final amount of what I owe this week some time and I know that the Father who is so GREAT has again paid attention to the details on my small finite world enough that I will make this payment!

I will continue to update when I can, I hope to update until I leave Lima on Sunday...I may be able to update once more in Huancayo or San Jose/Usibamba we will see! Thanks for those prayers! We serve an awesome, gasp-giving, mountain-moving God!

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