
Updates and a call for prayer

Things have changed big time over the last few days. It has been a whirl wind turn around since we found out my brother-in-law has a job! Remember this post? Well once again we are making a number change but in the way of subtracting not adding. The 3 (4) of them are packing the truck tomorrow and making their way across country to their new house! There is a post on that another day!

Anyway, to top off this insanity my sister and her hubby went to the doc this morning to see my Poco. They found out my Poco is.................

..............Nephew #2!!!!!!

Can I show my excitement enough! I am already in love with this guy and I am so thankful to be able to say "he" and "him" instead of "it." As far as a names goes he is still Poco...that is what I have called him from the beginning and will continue to call him that!

With all the good news came some not so great news. She was also told that she has been classified as a high risk pregnancy which has put her on mild bed rest. She doesn't have to be still in bed but zero lifting. Which takes her out of unloading boxes and even picking up my nephew. So, with the needs that have been presented I will be driving out there with them on Saturday/Sunday and will be flying home the following Saturday/Sunday. It is craziness how quickly things change but I am so thankful that I am in a place right now where I can take off and not have to make up anything when I come back or have loads of work to do upon my return.

So there are the updates of sorts and now for the call to prayer.

This is YK and he is from South Africa. He is 16 years old and he has cancer. He and his family moved over here to get treatment for him. In the year/year and a half he has been here he has been through several varying treatments, had some scares, and heard some pretty dim news. Lately the doctors have gotten to a point where there might not be anything else they can do. Ultimately we are praying that God be glorified in this and that whatever the outcome is He will be honored.

There are several requests but here are some particulars to lift before the Father.

  • His dad is currently in Africa trying tie up some loose ends, get the house and car sold, and acquire the certain documentation to make the move here.
  • His mom and sisters (13 and 18) are here and it hasn't been easy. His oldest sister is attending a college pretty far away and it makes it difficult to visit except for on holidays. His other sister is having a hard time being in the States and away from family and friends back in SA. Be praying for peace and strength.
  • Specifically be praying for YK's friends. In school, in church, even at the hospital. All relationships he has made make for a huge opportunity in sharing Christ in this situation. But, even still for all his friends who do know Christ. This is a hard thing for them to go through and they need Christ just as much.

Thank you all for praying! I will be back soon and updates will be more often! =)

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