
Birthday of a Hero

Many people think it's sappy to label their father's a "hero." However, I don't think I'm so far off my rocker.


1. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

I may be a bit on the biased side but I don't really think so...you see I am daughter to a hero as in this definition. He hasn't braved the front lines to defend our country, and I am thankful for these men. He hasn't stormed flame-engulfed buildings pulling people to safety, I sleep well as nights knowing these men exist.

No, the hero in my story hasn't done any of these things. But he has braved the front lines of culture, influences, and surroundings to defend our freedom and secure our purity for the years ahead. He has faced flame-filled people to protect us from the things words can destroy.

See, I view heroes in the way this definition does. That doesn't exclude the men I listed above. But for me it very much so encompasses everything I see in him.

So, today I celebrate the life of my hero, my dad!

Happy Birthday Dad! I hope you have a very blessed day! I love you!

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