
About Me

*sniff sniff* I missed Kelly's Korner link up! Oh well!

So, I thought I would particitpate in Kelly's Korner Show us your life.
Sadly I don't know many men. Sure, I know plenty of married, God-fearing men after God's own heart. But, no availible men that want a life outside of their playing days. 0 commitments. 0 responsibilities other than them selves. I know they are out there somewhere...just not here I guess!

Well, let's start with the basics. I am pretty closed with personal information on here so getting specifics will not happen! =)

I was named after 2 of my great Grandmothers and several other reletives sprinkeld through our family. My name is hyphanated and so I don't leagally have a middle name. Everyone messes this up but I have learned to live with it! =)

My heart belongs primarily to my first Prince, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has captivated me and I am in love with Him. Every day I am learning more about Him and falling more in love with Him and the way He loves me. My prayer is that this continues until God brings along "the one." I want to be completely lost in Him so when I fall in love on this earth I know that the man is falling in love with the version of me God intended.

Secondly, my family has a big part of my heart. I love hanging out with them. Spending time with them. Learning things with them. I love them! I am one of 5 girls. Yes, 5! I am smack dab in the middle. We range in age from 9 - 25.

If you couldn't tell from my side bar, I am in love with another guy. My nephew. My oldest sister and her husband gave birth to my nephew in March of 2009. He has us all completely wrapped!

For as long as I can remember kids have been a part of me. I love being with kids. Watching them change, grow, and learn. I know that God has kids being a part of my future but I don't know how. I am currently a nanny and I love the preparation for the future. I also love the Spanish language. I am currently praying about getting a degree in Spanish. (Side note, I would be a 21 year old freshman!) I have taken a trip to Peru and I am heading back in a few short months! Yipee!

I don't know what God has in store. For as long as I can remember I said I was going to grow up and be a mommy. But, like I said earlier I am missing some key things! If you have any more questions feel free to ask or just read around. I'm pretty much talk about it all! =)

1 comment:

  1. Annie, I think you are awesome! You did a wonderful job writing this! I know that God has an amazing man out there, one for you and one for me! I know the waiting can seem to take a while, but I think it will be worth it! I love having you for a best friend, and sister, and now roommate! May God ever keep drawing us to Himself on this quest of waiting and preparing for "the one" ahead! =) Lovin ya lots and lots!
