
Update of sorts

I have been doing some hit or miss blogging the last few weeks. I missed several I wanted to post and I am just now getting around to things that I need to do. Now that my afternoon currently looks like this......I am able to hear myself think long enough to post!

I am finishing my job at Church as fast as I can. Coupled with being responsible and detailed this makes for a stressful process. I want to do a good job and leave on a good note. This can be difficult when I am ready to just go. My official resignation date is the 1st. But, our agreement is to finish a few things first. I am leaving at the busiest time of the year and I want to be as big of a help as I can. My hope is to be completely, 100% done by mid-August. We'll see. I need to meet with my boss to see what all she had in mind.

This weekend is gearing up to be pretty busy. My sister and her husband are moving in with us. Everyone is mentally working everything out so it makes for some time of tension. It is going to be a difficult transition on everyone. But, not trying to be the suck up, I am looking forward to it. It will be different but I think it will be fun. I am sure we are going to get on each other nerves but this is where I am so thankful I was raised the way we were. We were never allowed to let our siblings make us "mad," so now as adults "getting along" come easier than to most...I think. The adventures in our house never seem to end!

This bust weekend then flows right into a busy week. Our church is having VBS next week. I am looking forward to it. This is my first year working as an adult. For years, we are talking year(S), I wanted to be one of the people that lead the kids from activity, guess what?! That's me baby! I am really looking forward to it!

Nothing more to really update on. I am prepping for my Peru trip in November. Not physically doing anything but mentally thinking through things. Like thinking through needing to fish my passport out of "a" box in the attic. One of many! Thinking through funds and the possibility of raising...any suggestions are welcomed...! I am also toying with the idea of creating a private blog to update, inform, and speak free'er/ Thoughts? I am pretty closed on here as far as my personal information goes and trying to talk about plans using names and locations could prove difficult!

I think that is pretty much it for now. Still learning the fine art of waiting and loving every minute of it.

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