
wanting to {go}

I am taking a break from the fun craft stuff for a minute to share a heart issue with you.

It really is no secret that adoption has been on my heart for so long. I desire with my whole being to be a mommy to one (a LOT) of these children one day!

For the time being I love researching and making myself as aware as possible with the orphan situations around the world. One blog that I just love to follow is extremely informative when it comes to adopting the unadoptable. Witnessing the rescue and restoration of her darling little girls has been incredibly exciting, encouraging, and a fabulous reminder that "He will not leave us as orphans!" You can read her family's story here.

The last several days she has posted specifically about the institutionalized children in Eastern Europe. Let me give you a little insight into the specifics of EE orphans. All of these children are "unwanted" "unloved" and confined to cribs to spend the rest of their days staring at blank walls, wasting away to nothing.



At 6 years old and older most of these precious children can't walk, talk, or sit alone. At 6 years old they are removed from what has the possibility of giving a family to be locked away as prisoners in mental institutions. They are never touched. Never cleaned. Never hugged or kissed. Never held when they fall down. Never given back scratches, high fives, good jobs, good night kisses, chicken nuggets, chances to play outside, warm beds, clean clothes,...love.

It literally pains me to hear about some of these children and I am SO very thankful for people that I have enjoyed reading about who enjoy serving the Father by bringing these children into a loving, safe, and growth encouraging environrment...not only an environment but a family.

I have to admit that God has planted a seed in my heart that one day I would love to witness or possibly be a part of.

I would LOVE to see a constant presence of Christ followers caring for and serving these least of these. I would LOVE to spend some time giving these children who have not had the privalege of being chosen a chance to "feel" this side of eternity. I would love to find a way to work in one of these institutions.

I believe with my whole heart that the best and surest way to save these little ones is to give them a forever home and I am thankful so many are stepping up. Unfortunately the sad truth is that they won't all be matched. For those, I want to {go}.

Put me on a plane and point me in the right direction.

I don't know how God wants this to look but me in my humanness is very aware of the sad truth and aches to see a change.

Please take a look at NGJM and specifically her posts the last few days. The more people who know, the better.

Praying for these little ones tonight while I crawl in my warm bed under a safe and warm roof. While I know that I can get up in the morning and stand, converse, and eat.

Lots to pray about...lots.


  1. Hi Elisabeth!

    Thank you for participating in the blog hop! Wishing you much success in your bloggy endeavors! New follower:)


  2. ....girl, I'm sorry. I accidentally addressed you by Elisabeth as Elisabeth Elliott! I'm a dork! Sorry about that. Cheers!
