
high 5 for Friday

This post is making history in many ways.
#1 - My first 5 for Friday.
#2 - Because, I finally have a phone that would take five pictures in a given week that were recognizable and decent! Yeah for new phones!
1- My baby has an unhealthy obsession with popcorn. I don't make the microwave kind so in actuality it isn't the worst thing he could crave with his little might! But, the child goes indy 500 around the loop in our house if he hears me turn on the popper. Found a recipe for salted carmel popcorn! Yummy munchy! Posting the recipe soon!
2- We headed North last Sunday to stay the night and day with the nephews! LOVED cuddling this little clean boy after his bath! Make an aunts heart melt!
3- Saturday night God multiplied and multiplied the blessings on J. He brought close to 200 people together to enter His courts with singing. What a night of celebration! Plus, the love offering was so much more than we anticipated.
4- Have I mentioned how much I love skies. Lately God has poured it our with radiant colors! So in awe!
5- My saurus has needed a little extra TLC this week. Not sure why but we were buddies. With all that has been going on with J and the back and forth in his little life, things have been shaky. This morning we headed out to the library and bank just the two of us. Times like those...

Happy Weekend!

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