
How goes the goals?: January

A friend posted recently that she was not doing yearly resolutions. For many of the same reasons I have she is foregoing the traditional new year, new you mindset. However, I DO believe in goals. So I set up my goals for 2014. I set them up in such a way as Proverbs advises. I am committing my work to the Lord (Proverbs 16) and letting His ways be established (Proverbs 19). But, I did glean from her wisdom of letting it be in monthly increments.

Beginning of each month (first Monday) I plan to post my goals for that month! End of each month (last Friday) I plan to tell you how well I did or did not do. This in NO way is my means of boasting but hopefully for some accountability that they might actually happen the way I plan! =)

365 thanks: take one picture with something I am thankful for every single day for an entire year. I plan to write it out on notecards not actually hold the person or object up by my face every day! January 1st, 2nd, and 3rd I have done pretty well...now to keep it up for another 362 days! =)

Memorization: Since I planned on memorizing Psalm 139 just before everything happened last year I plan on finishing it now. It might be cheating to start with something I have already started but but I am going to do it anyway!

Birthday cards: Making my list...now to purchase or make the cards.

Sister dates: First on the chopping block is both of them. Just before Thanksgiving I pulled the plug on our outing because of the crazies around us. It has been pushed and pushed and January is the month!

Grandparents: Still not sure what this is going to look like. With age and health failing both sides I am going to have to be creative. Will keep thinking...

Pen pal: one in the composition phase

Lesson plans: no plan for this month. Sticking to what works...for now.

Buisness notebook: Found my big ol' 4 inch 3-ring binder...that's as far as I have gotten.

Calendar: Found a year long, 52-page, week-by-week deal on the $1 rack at Target. Already filled it in and accomplished much!


Clothing: I started Saturday. I have thouroughly enjoyed using up every last drop of my vacation. Including fixing dinner in my pj's Friday. No shame.

Hair: Tried one today. My goal for now is 3 a month. We'll see...

What goals do you have this year?  


  1. Still working on mine as we speak so I can post them today...my problem is my initial list has way too many and I know they aren't realistic! trying to narrow them down but yet still ensure they are actionable! I like the month to month idea. :-)

  2. Oh I agree! I posted my over all 2014 goals. Now I am breaking them down month to month so that I will get them done! We shall see! Last year (post coming) I accomplished little of what I wanted to get done! =|
